Calcium and healthy teeth

Healthy middle aged man eating cereal in a clean apartment

Brushing and flossingevery day is only part of good oral hygiene. If you want strong, healthy teeth, you also need to pay attention to the foods you eat.

Calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus work together to play a vital role in forming and maintaining healthy teeth and gums:

  • Calcium plays a role in making the jaw bones healthy and strong enough to hold the teeth in place.

  • Phosphorus is needed to help calcium maximize its bone-strengthening benefits.

  • Vitamin D regulates the body’s balance of calcium and phosphorus and can promote absorption. It can also help decrease gum inflammation associated with periodontal disease.

Calcium deficiency and your teeth

To strengthen your bones and teeth, you should consume 1,000-2,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium daily. When the body lacks sufficient calcium, it pulls it from bones and teeth. A calcium deficiency can increase the risk of dental problems, including irritated gums, brittle teeth, and tooth decay. These problems can lead to periodontal disease.

According to a study published in the Journal of Periodontal Research, individuals with a daily calcium intake of less than 500 mg, or about half the recommended dietary allowance, were more likely to have periodontitis (gum disease).

Calcium-rich foods that strengthen tooth enamel

Besides taking supplements to support bone strength, you can add calcium-rich foods to your diet:

  • Low-fat or fat-free milk

  • Yogurt

  • Cheese

  • Fortified soy drinks and tofu

  • Dark green leafy vegetables

Getting enough calcium can be more difficult if you don’t like milk or are lactose intolerant. Look for calcium-fortified foods and drinks.

Sources of vitamin D and phosphorous

  • Vitamin D: sunlight, fish, egg yolks, and cod liver oil

  • Phosphorous: pumpkin seeds, fish, Brazil nuts, red meat, eggs, tofu, fish, lean meat, dairy, and beans

Other ways to strengthen tooth enamel

  • Avoid overbrushing

  • Switch to a toothpaste specifically made to strengthen tooth enamel

  • Drink plenty of water to wash bacteria out of your mouth

  • Use a night guard if you grind your teeth