Join our network
By partnering with us, you can become the provider of choice for the many BlueDental members who trust us to help them live healthier.
Why become a participating provider?
- Market-driven reimbursement: BlueDental networks offer your practice competitive reimbursement based on the maximum allowable charge.
- Claims simplification: Participating dentists are not required to submit radiographs and periodontal charting with claims unless requested in certain cases.
- A large and growing membership: We promote your practice to our growing membership through our online provider directory that includes:
- Over 675,000 BlueDental members
- Almost 175,000 Medicare Advantage members
- Over 325,000 Florida-based Federal Employee Program members (plus millions enrolled in out-of-state Blue Plans through the GRID/GRID+)
- Convenient web-based tools: You’ll have access to member eligibility, benefits, and claims history through a secure portal, My Patients' Benefits.
- Oral Health for Overall Health program: Members with certain eligible medical conditions are provided additional dental benefits paid 100%. The program allows participating providers to deliver additional covered services and increase patient volume.
- Free continuing education (CE) opportunities: We are an ADA CERP-recognized provider of CE programs. CE credit (for virtual and in-person courses) is provided to both dentists and hygienists. You’ll also have access to monthly webinars and other CE resources offered by the Santa Fe Group.
How to join our provider networks
It’s easy to become a participating dental provider. Please review the checklist below before completing and submitting your application.
Application checklist
Before you complete and submit your application, you’ll need:Work history from the past five years
Florida State Dental License
Certificate of Malpractice Insurance (Professional Liability Certificate), which specifies the limits of liability (a copy of an insurance invoice or binder is not acceptable)
Drug Enforcement Agency (if applicable)
Specialty Board Certificate (if applicable)
W9 information

Ready to get started?
Please complete all sections of the online application form in its entirety. Approximate length of time to complete is 10 – 15 minutes. Applications submitted with incomplete and/or missing information will delay the credentialing process.
To optimize your experience, please use the latest version of these browsers on your desktop or tablet: Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Safari.
Need to Add a New Dentist to Your Practice?
Our team of dedicated dental network managers is available to answer any questions you may have about becoming a participating BlueDental provider. You can email them at dentalproviderrelations@fclife.com.