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Join Our Network

Florida Blue has been a leading provider of insurance in the state for more than 70 years. We offer plans and solutions that help people take an active role in their health, and improve the quality, cost, and access to care.

Why Be a Participating Provider?

  • Market-driven reimbursement: BlueDental networks offer your practice competitive reimbursement based on the maximum allowable charge.
  • Claims simplification: Participating dentists are not required to submit radiographs and periodontal charting with claims, unless requested in certain cases.
  • Access to nearly 500,000 members: We promote your practice to our growing membership through our online directory.
  • Oral Health for Overall Health program: Members with certain qualifying medical conditions are provided enhanced dental benefits that are paid at 100%.
  • Convenient technology tools: My Patients’ Benefits is a secure web portal for access to BlueDental member eligibility, benefits, and claims history.
  • Orthodontic and cosmetic plans: You may participate in our discount plans that offer members 20% discounts.
  • Access to Federal Plan Members: On top of our 325,000 FEP members, our FEP network dentists are considered “in-network” for members of participating out-of-state Blue plans. Also, providers who participate in the BlueDental Choice Copayment network are participating providers in Florida Blue’s BlueMedicare HMO and BlueMedicare PPO member plans.

How to Join Our Provider Networks

It’s easy to become a participating provider with us. You just need to complete these forms. We’ve prepared a checklist to make process easy to complete.

Ready to get started?

Need to Add a New Dentist to Your Practice?

View our step-by-step guide for adding a new provider.


We offer access to a team of dedicated Dental Network Managers who would be happy to discuss all the advantages of becoming a participating BlueDental provider. To learn more, email us at