Convenient online portals are available to check eligibility and benefits for all of our members. Florida Combined Life (FCL) membership is accessible through My Patients’ Benefits, while FEP and FEP Dental, Grid, and Grid Plus members have separate portals you will need to register for.
This online tool gives you the ability to check eligibility and benefits, patient history, and claims reimbursement, while easily handling pre-authorization, electronic funds transfer (EFT), and electronic claim filing.
The FEP Dental online tool makes checking eligibility, benefits, and claims reimbursement efficient and easy for members with a Federal Employee Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) nationwide Dental PPO plan.
The Availity provider portal give you secure access to obtain eligibility, benefits, and real-time authorization for members of the BlueCross BlueShield Federal Employee Health Benefits Standard and Basic option plans.